Friday, August 17, 2012


                   Okay, so this year I want to join track at my school. Well, actually I'm already on the team. YAY! But let me tell you something, IT IS HARD WORK. Every 2 days in a weeks  my team and I meet at a park and run a lot. My coach is there too. It is really fun to get sweaty and tired but know what you just accomplished. We run for around 2 hours and 30 minutes (with breaks) and then go home and take a shower. Running is so fun and good for you too. Okay some of you might think that running is boring and yeah I can see your point. But, its nice to know what you can do. For example, my team and I run a .6 mile track a couple of times and a .8 mile track occasionally. I would've never known I could run that long without trying. Its really fascinating in what we are when we try and when we don't. I guess it's like a Christian life. When we dont try and are not motivated in knowing God, then we would never know what God has in store for us. We have to let Jesus into our lives. That has kind of been my goal this year. To reach out to God so He can work in my life. Whether it is joining praise team or simply reading the bible. How could we know what it's like to live with Jesus when we are not letting Him in? How could I know my capability of running if I'm a coach potato? It is all connected my friends. The first step in being obedient with God is getting baptized. I decided to make that decision this year on Easter Sunday. It was definitely the right decision to publicly announce my love for Christ. Wow I went off in a tangent! But, that is what has been on my mind recently so there you have it :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Rabbit Style

             I am very happy to say, that forevercrazyrabbit has merchandise! I present hand crafted carrots made with shredded paper and love! Okay, these really aren't for sale but, I gave them to people secretly in their classrooms at church you know, for advertising! But I'm so happy they came out the way that they did. They are cute and SUPER comfortable!
             Now, the story of crazy rabbit is one to remember for the rest of your life. Hmm... I kind of forgot it but my family always called me rabbit because I was really white and soft when I was little. Anyways, now, I am still a rabbit. I think it was in the car when I did something crazy and Chubster was like ... WAIT NO! I remember. I was taking a nap in the car and I was woken up by Cbubster who kept opening my eye lids. She left me alone for a while and I continued "fake sleeping" then I all of a sudden opened my eyes and started saying "jah jah jah jah jah" And she was all like "Huh? You crazy rabbit!" I'm not sure how the illustration of the crazy rabbit became but I am definitely sure it was the best one I made.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sushi Nails!

          This here my friends is the first ever sushi nails. I did them for Chubster for her birthday! Cute little onigiris, sushi rolls, and shrimp on rice neatly planted on her nails. If you want the instructions, just post a comment. Haha yeah they aren't that neat. I also don't really have a range of colors (as you can see with the purple). A trick I used is with a toothpick and bobby pin  for the eyes or detailed stuff like the shrimp lines or faces. Yeah the faces, I rushed them because we had to leave someplace :( I also mixed some drops of colors like the shrimp. I mixed a skin peach color with very little hot pink and got a more bolder color. I LOVE the onigiris though! They are so fat and actually the easiest to d out of all the nails. If you want, you could make all of your nails onigiris! Yup, so thats all I got to say and remember, if you want the instructions just leave a comment :)

Soooo Typical

Watching TV while eating some good duck wings
             This is what we did after whale watching in Taiwan. And this is our hotel. To get to the hotel garage, you had to go down a car elevator. It gave me the creeps.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Going Global!

            This blog is officially going global! I got 1 page view from Germany and 32 page views from Russia. I don't know if I should be concerned about this but its interesting...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fish Tail Pull Back

              This hairstyle took a lot of work! As you may know, fishtail braids are pretty, but very time consuming. Especially with little amount of hair. But I managed and came up with this! This p.s is the longest my hair has ever been but I got it trimmed :P Trims are good. Even though your hair is getting a bit shorter, it feels a lot more healthier. I tend to have a lot of split ends and my hair doesn't weigh down on my shoulders. Instead it curves up. But once I got it trimmed it felt softer and thinner and that is why trims are good! The end.

Explosion, Tree and POLKA DOT nail designs

              I used tape and a lot of glitter nail polish. But make sure the bottom coat is dry!! I don't advise this design. Its tricky :-| That's why I only did it to 1 nail. Heehee. But for the most part, it's really pretty and ... tough!

            This is a tree. For me, it is really easy to draw a design with my right hand, on my own hand. Maybe it's because I like to write and draw with my paper rally slanted. This nail design is good for the one nail style I did. Don't do it on all of your nails. You hand would just be a sparkly forest :O

        This is a success. YESSS! I used a bobby pin which is a very good tool for making dots.  The base color is my favorite nail polish color but unfortunately, we ran out of it :( The polka dot design is cute and playful to wear. Its intriguing to the eye when you see a hand done pattern on your nail.

I Miss My Friends

Ignore that guy over there

Banana Bread

           So while I was in Cambodia Chubster, one of the missionaries, and I made banana bread! Her recipe is delicious and very simple. The only different thing about the one we made, was that it was made with duck eggs!

3 small ripe bananas
1/3 cup oil
1/4 cup water
1 tsp. lime juice/lemon juice
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups flour

Let's get started!
Muffins: 12 minutes
Pan: 38 minutes
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. The order of the ingredients being put in is irrelevant to the results. So start putting in the ingredients in a large bowl. (For a little fun, put the baking soda on top of where you squeezed the lime juice)
  3. Stir until everything is mixed together
  4. Now if you are making muffins, you might want to grease the pan first.
  5. If you are making a pan... still grease that too
  6. Put it in the oven and take out when fully raised and golden brown

Friday, August 10, 2012


      Yes I am actually writing about this. So ever since I was 3 years old, I had this hippo I got from people at my church for Christmas. Her name is Hippo. And yes,  I'm going to repeat it. I was only 3. So Hippo used to be this fluffy purple youngster (like in the video) but after you put her in the wash for over, I would say 200 times, she gets faded. Especially because you're supposed to hand wash her. Now she is skinny, light purple, and has worn down ears from the countless times I chewed them (WHEN I WAS THREE). I never left the house for vacation without Hippo. And never lost her. I would freak out if she fell on the floor or if people grab her by the neck (it's very loose). I also got her a shirt and decorated it. Overtime I also crocheted pockets for it! So yeah, time flies and she is still with me. I wonder if I should bring her with me once I go to college... that would be too much. I might just give her away to someone that could have the most memories and fun as I did with her.

p.s Excuse my sister picking her nose towards the end of the video
p.p.s Sorry for no sound. Old "recorders" back then ugh!

Sisters For Life

          So this is basically a clear example of our relationship. Me wanting Chubster to do something and she complains about it. This photo was taken in 2002 in our temporary house/ friend's basement. We would have bunches of playing in the side yard on hot days.
         I love my sister a lot. I couldn't imagine life without her. Every time I get bored or feel down, Chubster is always there for me. She is sometimes moody or lazy but other times she is hilarious. When she was little I taught her how to say "may I have milk pleeeeease!" and she would repeat after me. She would follow my everywhere I go and look up to me. Well, it turns out now I'm looking up to her, literally. This girl is tall and is never fat! She has the most girl athletic body ever and is too lazy to use it. But, hey that's just her. Chubster also likes material things such as name brands. We'd be walking down a street and she would be like "Ooo look Channel" and I'm like "Shannel?? That's how you pronounce it?" Anyways, I'm so thankful that God gave me a sister like her. Someone that balances me out. I wish we were still younger so we don't have to worry about life except if one of us lost a stuffed animal. We don't have to worry about drama, looks, school, or any of that stuff. But getting older is only part of life. At least now we could talk about real situations we're in. And do bigger and better things together. Like take on roller coasters without being too short. Sometimes Chubster feels down and low about herself. That's when I have to come in and cheer her up. When I'm not feeling well she is like my personal nurse. She would get me anything if I needed something or make some instant noodles (she's only in middle school). She is the most best friend ever. Without her I would be an bored to death every day.
         God has a lot planned for us both. It may be hard but we could accomplish anything together.

Marble Nails: Pros & Cons

 1. Drop a glob of nail polish  in a DISPOSABLE cup of water

Pro: Really fun to watch expand
Con:Only works for very few nail polishes. Such as Sally
 Hanson's nail polish which is thin and not globby
  2. Then, drop another color in the center of the first one, and continue doing this to your desire

Pro: Also fun to watch
Con: Sometimes, with globby nail polish, the nail polish would just fall to the bottom or not expand and stay a glob.
 3. Take a UNUSED toothpick and swirl it around with swift movements. Be sure not to touch the outer layer and please, don't over do it either.

Pro: Can bring out you artsy side
Con: If you mess it up, you must start over again :(
 4. BEFORE you put your finger in, put chap stick around your finger tips so the nail polish wont be a sticky mess.

Pro: You get to choose the design you think looks best
Con: If you choose a bad design, you have to deal with it
 5. Using a toothpick, gently take off the excess nail polish

Pro: Nothing really that good about it
Con: Make sure you don't interfere with the nail

 6. Take your nail out of the water and wipe more of the excess off

Pro: Your done!
Con: Do 9 more ;D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Asymnetrical Fancy French Mani

       Here is my creation. It is a pink base coat with a dark shimmery brown tip, with a white line, a sparkly line and clear coat to seal the deal. So the good thing is that this nail design is so easy, I did it on my own nails! The bad thing is that my nails aren't really a nice shape :P

Backyard Fun

Okay so ...

1. This is what happens when you are curious about playing with fire
2. Pickle jars are EXTREMELY useful people!
3. Don't ever eat grass "salad" with burnt ants
4. Fireflies are extremely slow and they are easy to spot
5. Playing with fire is safe, as long as you have a cup of  water just in case ;)

Boo: Cute but Not the Cutest

         Meet this cutie!! My brother thinks it looks ugly. Boo is a Pomeranian that is supposed to look like the white dog. I think any Pomeranian could look like Boo if you have it cut a certain way. And if it had a pushed in snout. I first come to know this dog in book or my sister told me or something. Then recently I went to Barnes and Nobles and saw Boo on a calender. At first I thought it was a toy. I mean look at it! Look at the little stocky paws (that feature is usually what melts my heart first) Biscuit used to have chubby paws but, they thinned out shortly. What I dont like about Boo is his tail. You can't see it in this picture but it looks like a shih tzu's tail. Its not fluffy or short, its regular length with a long hair look to it. Well, I can't say it is the cutest dog in the world because how would you think Biscuit would feel?! Biscuit is currently really fat since I've gone away but I've been taking him for runs recently and he is losing weight. Okay! Fine! We also reduce his meals to a half a scoop!! Sorry Biscuit for calling you fat and exposing your work out secret.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

French Twist

              So this my friends, is the most neatest french twist I ever did in my life! Okay, I cheated a little because my friends hair was wet a little but still! It especially looks nice with her natural highlights and light hair.

Panda Nails

The one and only Guam
           Isn't this the cutest?? It's also very easy to do. P.S these are my sister's nails so it may be trickier to do it on your own. Sigh... it was supposed to be a panda but I don't have black nail polish so it looks like a mouse. Well, I think it looks like a mouse. Or a regular bear, not a panda bear. My sister once drew a mouse that looked really cute. Its a semi circle with ears, eyes, and tail. She named it Guam. Dont ask why. So you can make a Guam as well if you like. Its pretty self explanatory to make a Guam.


1. Add a base coat for the back round of your panda/Guam/ regular bear. I would use a subtle light color. I used light pink
2. Create a white semi circle that ends halfway through your nail.
3. Then with your color of any desire, make a drop of nail polish for the ears
4. Using a bobby pin, dip it in black or the color that you want to make the eyes. If you have a thin brush that is black, that would probably be better to use.
5. Oh! And always put a top clear coat to give it a shiny finished look

So sense this is my first "instructional nail design", comment on whether I should even put instructions on. The other option would be just posting up pictures with some tips for inspiration. So don't forget to comment!!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cambodian Children

         For the summer, one of the places my family and I went to was Cambodia. We went there for around 6 days in  Poipet. I kind of new what to expect because of the pictures my dad brought home from the churches mission trips. But it is so much more to see it in person. Some things that stuck out during the trip would probably be when we went to the feeding program. Really cute little kids come out from their homes and come to the feeding center to play games, sing songs, and get fed. The Cambodian children are so happy when you want to play games with them! We also made bracelets with them too. Unfortunately we didn't have enough string for all of them because we used some in this other church so not all of the children got them. And there was this little girl sitting in front of me that looked teary but unlike most kids, she didn't complain or whine. She just sat there crying helping her brother make his bracelet. Eventually I gave her the one I had and her face lit up like that. We also paid back the ones without a bracelet with stickers which they also loved. A LOT. Simple joy :) Thats something our world needs more of.
          July and August are the rainy months so it would rain almost everyday. Which meant more bugs come out!! In the missionaries house there are a lot of geckos on the ceiling.I've come to appreciate them a lot more because after it rains the termites come out (in their flying form) and the geckos eat them. There are a couple of geckos that are really fat and scary. Look at your keyboard. It's half of that. Same for the width too, half of the width. One time I was going to the bathroom and saw a huge one on the wall. So I ran out even though they are completely harmless they are startling to look at. Shivers to the thought of it. But hey, at least I didn't see any snakes! I was about to say something else but I forgot. Sugar! Oh yeah! My family also got to eat... drum roll... THE EGG. It is a chicken egg that is developed between just yoke and whites and a chick. It tasted nice with the lime and pepper sauce. 
         Poipet is really hard to live in. Especially for the missionary who is in the same shirt as me (who also has a wife and two boys). A lot of the people there are having a tough time finding jobs there. To get to Poipet, you have to cross the border of Thailand. In Thailand there are several nice hotels for gambling. Okay just to make things clear, I didn't mean gambling was nice. I meant they are in fancy hotels that are nice. Gambling is BAD. Yeah, thats what I meant if you understand what I was trying to say. Anyways, the missionaries there teach the families of Poipet not to cross the border of Thailand for job opportunities in the gambling sights. Especially young girls because the gambling sights are very shady (if you know what I'm saying). So it's very hard for the people there that need money to not cross  the border. Typically, we are tempted in stuff like eating too much chocolate, telling a lie, or splurging. But all those things are to satisfied what we want and what makes us feel good. The people of Poipet have a temptation that is not for what they want, but for what they need to live. Pray for these people to not be lead into temptation. Also, to trust in the Lord that he has a special plan for each and everyone of them.
        My brother wants to use the computer right now so SEE YA!

Me explaining how to make the bracelets

Hey There!

          I have a lot of extra time for now... and like to write so I made a decision to make a blog. I really like doing things like hair, dance, photography, and making videos. Those are probably the type of things I'll be posting. Along with my personal experiences of life good and bad. Before you proceed, excuse my future grammar and spelling errors. I knot alot of times the bester on ela.  Sigh... so I hope you look forward to going on my website and looking at my new posts every so often. Enjoy!!
Me to the far right, and my wonderful siblings which I love sooooooooo much