Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sushi Nails!

          This here my friends is the first ever sushi nails. I did them for Chubster for her birthday! Cute little onigiris, sushi rolls, and shrimp on rice neatly planted on her nails. If you want the instructions, just post a comment. Haha yeah they aren't that neat. I also don't really have a range of colors (as you can see with the purple). A trick I used is with a toothpick and bobby pin  for the eyes or detailed stuff like the shrimp lines or faces. Yeah the faces, I rushed them because we had to leave someplace :( I also mixed some drops of colors like the shrimp. I mixed a skin peach color with very little hot pink and got a more bolder color. I LOVE the onigiris though! They are so fat and actually the easiest to d out of all the nails. If you want, you could make all of your nails onigiris! Yup, so thats all I got to say and remember, if you want the instructions just leave a comment :)

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