Thursday, October 18, 2012

What the?

           Hey guys! I never posted a blog post with only writing in it so here it is. School has been going out pretty well for me.  I experienced new things. Like witnessing my first fight at lunch, getting back my first test (ps: proud 96 :D), and meeting Christians like me. I knew my school had a club called "Seekers" (which I should be joining soon now that I have my card), but I never knew Christians could be the people I am talking to everyday! My closest new friend I have around 5 classes with is someone I would have never expected. Jaime is Indian so usually they would believe things closer to their culture. I would have never guessed until I brought up the topic about the club. That was a shocker because I've never met someone like her before. So I guess now we have more to talk about :D She is planning to go to the club with me (yay.) There also is this other friend named Zachary. I met him at lunch and was thinking on the back of my head how come this boy doesn't curse?! You see, in a public school like mine, where there are different type of people all around you, I would expect some swears here and there. But no. So I knew something was a little different about him.  I really knew this when he came to school with a deerfoot lodge shirt (Christian boy camp). Since my brother went there, I was very much familiar in what it was. I only saw "eerfoo" and "odge" becuase he was wearing a hoodie :P Jaime told me that on his facebook his profile picture would be a cross and he would but Bible quotes as his status :D But it was so different to see people like me in my school. The realization would probably hit me more when I am actually in the club :) In high school, you really have to choose your friend wisely. I'm not saying you must be narrow minded and look for standards for these people. But simple know that you should hang out with people you think are nice and kind. You can still be friendly to everyone, but the ones who you tend to see more often in school are the ones you should become close with. Just hang out with the right crowd because your friends can influence  you greatly ;)
             Hey guys this is a couple weeks later... school is not going so well. I am now an average student with average grades :( (ps: pitiful 76 on bio) I'm not joining the club because of biology. I don't have the time for everything. Also, my parents made me quit track for a little while but later on agreed to it again after the championships. So track is still awesome and I just had my first race... waiting for the results :D But yeah, a lot of things have changed ever since I wrote that old post :( I might not be able to do "DIY weekly" or post much. I have to focus on boring stuff and get it out of the way until I know where I'm going for the future. So, hopefully things won't be so full of :( faces later on. Later!

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