Wednesday, May 8, 2013
My Morning Routine
Oh My Gosh! It is a morning routine video! You don't know how much fun I had editing this! Note that I had a lot of fun editing it, making it however, was a different story. First of all, I was so tired and looked like a rabbit with fish eyes. Secondly, my dad and I got into a mini argument about me spilling my milk tea "all over" his iPhone. I told him it shouldn't be in the eating area and of course my dad had to point out how my camera was on the table too. See what I get into just for you guys? Eventually we made up. You can assume that from the ending :P I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did filming it ;D
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
My Morning Routine Video Coming Soon!
Hey guys! I'm glad I caught your attention with this disturbing picture of me in the morning (credits to my creepy sister.) And yes, I still sleep with a blankie, a stuffed hippo, and an overstuffed elephant. Well, anyways, I am planning to make a morning routine video for you all so stay tuned! The video will definitely come out sometime this week. I am so excited for this video because I could finally become one of those girls who post videos about their day, their nights, and their mornings. Now that school is lightening up, I have more time to spend on forever crazy rabbit!! Toodalssss :)
p.s This picture is not from the video... Chubster just took a picture of me sleeping... she stalks my entire life.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
What's Happening? (in Photos)
I finally got all of my middle school ID cards all together in the same spot. From the right to left is from 6th grade to 8th. When I was in 6th grade I was a quiet little stubby girl who thought I was so awesome. Little did I know, I was just a little 6th grader. In 7th grade, I found my way out of total lameness but struggled with making new friends. In 8th grade I thinned out (thankfully) and found a super cool friend but was still pretty quiet. If you look at pictures from when I as really young, you wouldn't recognize me. I am the type of person that looks different each year. Lets hope it's not for the worse!
Cool hairstyle alert! I tried doing a braided headband style for school. It was pretty in the morning but as the day went on, my baby hairs wanted to go back to their orignal position. Something I do a lot is make something really cool and end up taking it off. It's like getting yourself all dressed up for school but once you get home, you change into a t-shirt and sweats. For this hairstyle, I ended up taking it all out during science building class and tied my hair in a bun. The work we teenage girls do just to look nice.
Who's who? My very special twin and I decided to match today. People always get us mixed up but they would get more confused if I were taller. Other than that we are practically identical! I love how my legs just stop and Maggie's go on. What was the point of taking the picture sitting down then!? Humf... Twin day was really fun and is definitely happening again (on our own terms!!)
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Cleaning My Room
Finally, I made a post you viewers would love! My famous videos! My room needed a bit of a clean. Well, it's Chubster's room too but try to get that girl to clean. That would be a miracle. Yes, I am playing the guitar there but I don't think it sounds too great. There are too many Bm changes and it was driving me insane. A for "affort" right? Also, my camera cut me off! I was supposed to be folding the laundry until it was fully done. When I edited the video it froze at me picking up some white pants. :(.
Vote on my poll! It will actually make my life easier. The sooner I check and see a popular vote the sooner I could start making a video. VOTE.
P.s If you are wondering what that bumble bee is I don't blame you. You put a SAT word card in the mouth and the bee flips the card inside so you see the definition.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
I'm going to switch schools this coming school year which is sad news. When I first started in my new school I asked God "Why would you let me be here? Now I have to make all new friends :(" By the way, if you didn't know, my school isn't the best. Still, I kept God's word of being there for a reason and having a greater plan for me. Now that I think of it, God really lead me to some unbelievable friends! Even though some teachers couldn't care less about work and students come to school to kill time I met these incredibly kind people that made the hours pass by.
When I first moved to my new school it was hard to start all over again. My past friendships had me feel that making all new friends wasn't worth it. That't until friendship had a whole other meaning. Being friends with the people I have now is amazing. Every joke, every comforting word, every conversation we have is so genuine. I love hanging out with them during physical science class in our own little group making electricity or sanding wood.
To Maria: You're the smartest and sweetest of our bunch.
To Melissa: You bring the fun and silliness to our group... and rice krispies!
To Jaime: Sigh.. you are what you are and that is all I got to say
To Natalie: The person we talk to for advice. And the person who always smells the best :P
To Maggie: The LIFE of the party. I won't ever meet sweeter, kinder, and funnier people than you guys. So, don't think I'm going to find some "more" amazing friends like you guys ever. Not even in a new school.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Awkward Shopping Moments, Dirty Hello Kitties, and Ohhhhhs
Hey guys! So the past few days for me have been surprisingly happy (I think it's the weather.) During the weekend I went to my friends birthday party at an iceskating rank. Happy birthday Maria! Apparently Maria has a video of me scarfing down my cupcake... delete it! I had to get her present the morning of her birthday! There is nothing better than being alone in bath and body works with an anxious employee trying to guess exactly what I was there for.That was really fun.
The day after that, I went to New York City!! My family and I went to Time Square and saw a lot of weird acts from people. You know, the people dressed in cartoon character costumes and expect tourists to want to take pictures with them for cash. For example, there was a person dressed in what I think was hello kitty. I couldn't tell because the head party was dirty grey. Yuck! Some pople decide to wear nothing at all and get money for it too!I'll never forget how crazy some people are in New York City. Overall, I had a really fun experience in Time Square.
What a coincidence! Michelle Phan is one of my favorite bloggers ever! She is really good at make-up/nails/DIY beauty mixture video tutorials. If you watch enough of her videos you would probably see how I "borrowed" some video editing tips and DIY ideas :) Michelle just posted a post on jean jackets! Just. Like. ME! The post is a little different than mine :-/ but the topic is the same: jean jackets are in girls! Here is the link :
My poll finally closed and it seems like the majority of you had a good start of the year. Some people voted "meh". Don't worry, you still have the rest of the year to make your year the coolest ever. In fact, I came across this picture and it totally made my day. It's hilarious when you read the three lines and then envision the cat from "Puss in Boots" going "ooooooh". I was laughing for at least 2 minutes straight when I read this. People with a "meh" year so far, make your year filled with joy and laughter one day at a time and I assure you, you will feel a lot better.
The day after that, I went to New York City!! My family and I went to Time Square and saw a lot of weird acts from people. You know, the people dressed in cartoon character costumes and expect tourists to want to take pictures with them for cash. For example, there was a person dressed in what I think was hello kitty. I couldn't tell because the head party was dirty grey. Yuck! Some pople decide to wear nothing at all and get money for it too!I'll never forget how crazy some people are in New York City. Overall, I had a really fun experience in Time Square.
What a coincidence! Michelle Phan is one of my favorite bloggers ever! She is really good at make-up/nails/DIY beauty mixture video tutorials. If you watch enough of her videos you would probably see how I "borrowed" some video editing tips and DIY ideas :) Michelle just posted a post on jean jackets! Just. Like. ME! The post is a little different than mine :-/ but the topic is the same: jean jackets are in girls! Here is the link :
My poll finally closed and it seems like the majority of you had a good start of the year. Some people voted "meh". Don't worry, you still have the rest of the year to make your year the coolest ever. In fact, I came across this picture and it totally made my day. It's hilarious when you read the three lines and then envision the cat from "Puss in Boots" going "ooooooh". I was laughing for at least 2 minutes straight when I read this. People with a "meh" year so far, make your year filled with joy and laughter one day at a time and I assure you, you will feel a lot better.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Easter is about Jesus
Solution! Why don't I make a easter video without having to record anything! Of course I think of this a day after Easter :(
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Tribal Nails
I never thought I would be that crazy to actually do this... I see it on the internet all the time and would think "ain't nobody got time for that!" Apparently, I do. The tribal nail design probably took me over 30 minutes to complete! Let me tell you how its done.
1. Take a sheer white nail polish and coat all your nails once.
2. As you can see (before I started used the skinny black nail polish) there are stripes of orange and teal. You don't have to use these colors. Just don't use dainty colors such as pink. Tribal nails are tough!
This is when we start using the teal, orange and white to make the stripes. Yes, white again. Take the white nail polish and draw a line horizontally over the white "base coat". You should alternate coats between white... and white. Hmm. This is confusing. I started with one white base coat. To eliminate too many coats on the nails, I painted on the orange, teal and white in horizontal stripes separately. Get it?
3. Next, using your skinny black nail polish, draw a thin line where each of the stripes meet. The picture to the right is the part you should be up to by now. You can keep your nails like this if you get tired (they look pretty nice!), but if you aren't tired move on to the tricky part.
4. Then, let your creative juices flow! Tribal designs are usually zig-zags and dots. You can search up tribal nail designs on Google and find your inspiration. If you're too lazy you are "allowed" to copy mine.
Have fun :D
Saturday, March 30, 2013
For Those Who Don't Have Jean Jackets
Went to Kray Kray's house and played
with a cutie hamster name Ginny, or
Jinny, or maybe... Jimmy!
I guess what really stuck out to me during the sermon would probably be how God is so gracious. The pastor told us that salvation comes from the Lord even when we don't deserve it. I never really thought about salvation before this. When Jonah was about to run out of air under the deep sea he prayed to God. Therefore, the giant fish saved him. The important thing is that if you cling onto worthless things, you forfeit the grace and goodness of God. Look what happens when you actually pay attention to sermons... you actually learn! After the break I was thinking about joining track again just for the fun of it. Then I thought some more. If I'm moving to a different school why even start something I'm not going to finish? Plus, my "friends" there aren't so friendly once you left the team. I ain't going to live through that! (Sorry for the grammar). What about for the love of running? (you might ask.) Yes, I still love to run and trust me, I will get to run a lot next school year. Running to me is no longer on a tight schedule. It's something that won't eat up my life so I can have time for other things.
Aside from that serious stuff, before I started writing this post I was really mad. For Easter my plan was to make a video displaying our sin and how Jesus died for it. I had this awesome idea going through me and I even wrote down a script. Of course this can't be done without two people so I asked Chubster to be in the video with me. It turns out she didn't feel like it so I got really mad, crumpled my script, and threw it out. Then I closed myself in my closet and started to get sad. Teens and their mixed emotions. I'm actually part of that category now D: As for Chubster... I will still never fully get that girl...
p.s. Did you know music these days have different meanings then you think?! I was listening to "Rock Me" by One Direction and thought it was really catchy. Not knowing what the song meant, I looked it up and lets just say, I'm never listening to One Direction for my entertainment again! Very suggestive song. Tisk Tisk
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Spring is Here/ Jean Jacket Video
Ignore the repeat in music selection. I was in a rush to get this done for spring!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Chubster's Dance Number
If you can't see Chubster, she is in green skinny jeans, a pink cropped shirt, and well... she's one of the tall ones. You have to look for her in the beginning. She is in the middle back. For the middle of the dance, she has a lot of parts. And of course towards the end she's up front and soaking it in :P I was so proud of her because she... sniff.... she just shined! Chubster was so happy that day. But when the show ended I wanted to hug her and say "good job Sarah you rocked" but she kept aggressively pushing me away. While looking around to see if anyone was staring at her (I wasn't that embarrassing) she said "you're dropping my reputation level!" So mean. But it was her day so until we were "officially" 20 meters from the school, I could hug her and congratulate her in the face. Reputation? What reputation? Just Kidding.When people congratulate you loudly and obnoxiously, doesn't that make you feel special? I will never fully understand that girl...
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Vote For Hannah!
Above is a link to by Hannah Tai and Judy Dong's video. For more information on specific dates of announcing winners go to As you might find out, phase 3 is when the public can vote on a video!
That's where I need you! During March 18th - March 23rd go to the category "Compete+Achieve". Scroll down to "see entries" and type "Life Without Technology" in the search box. Immediately vote on her video!! Even if you don't know her, you can tell this video deserves your vote! Tell everyone you know to vote to make Hannah the winner.
Above is a link to by Hannah Tai and Judy Dong's video. For more information on specific dates of announcing winners go to As you might find out, phase 3 is when the public can vote on a video!
That's where I need you! During March 18th - March 23rd go to the category "Compete+Achieve". Scroll down to "see entries" and type "Life Without Technology" in the search box. Immediately vote on her video!! Even if you don't know her, you can tell this video deserves your vote! Tell everyone you know to vote to make Hannah the winner.
Look at her. How can you not vote on that?? |
Love You Hannah <3
DIY: Tribal iPhone Case
If anybody would like for me to do this to their case (for freeeeee) just write me a short email :) Don't worry about my eyesight. It is slowly focusing to things that are not 2cm from my face!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Uhm... Chubster?
Chubster and I can always appreciate good music. But I have to say... I don't know how she knows the bridge/rap part...
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
Contact Case Lip Balm (Laugh Your Pants Off Video)
Sorry! I meant 30 seconds not minutes! Unless you want your lip balm to start boiling on your spoon.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Mason Jars
Let me start off this post with a short story :)
One day Ma and I went grocery shopping. I was in a mood for some pickles. My favorite type of pickles would be bread and butter which are the type of pickles that are sweet. The sour ones are supposed to be in sandwiches. I think that's how it goes... Anyways, I bought some pickles and took it home. Since my stomach was hungry I ate the whole jar. Best pickle feast of my life. Of course I didn't feel so good afterwards but it was worth it! What was left, was an empty mason jar sitting there on the table. Don't you think it is a waste to dispose perfectly unbroken glass in a cute shape? Light bulb! That is when I made it into a pencil jar! A perfectly wide shaped jar can be used as a pencil holder for the dining room! This wasn't much of a story but the idea was so straight in my face. Many doubted my creativity (ack-hemmm Chubster) but could not foresee the practicality of this piece of storage.
Before the 19th century, people have been struggling upon the preservation of food. Many methods such as freezing, salting, and air sealing food have some set backs when it comes to the taste of the food. People stored grains and vegetables in these jars in a cool area. Who knew something this simple could be so useful? Eventually in 1809, a Frenchman names François developed a way to keep cooked food preserved.
One day Ma and I went grocery shopping. I was in a mood for some pickles. My favorite type of pickles would be bread and butter which are the type of pickles that are sweet. The sour ones are supposed to be in sandwiches. I think that's how it goes... Anyways, I bought some pickles and took it home. Since my stomach was hungry I ate the whole jar. Best pickle feast of my life. Of course I didn't feel so good afterwards but it was worth it! What was left, was an empty mason jar sitting there on the table. Don't you think it is a waste to dispose perfectly unbroken glass in a cute shape? Light bulb! That is when I made it into a pencil jar! A perfectly wide shaped jar can be used as a pencil holder for the dining room! This wasn't much of a story but the idea was so straight in my face. Many doubted my creativity (ack-hemmm Chubster) but could not foresee the practicality of this piece of storage.
Before the 19th century, people have been struggling upon the preservation of food. Many methods such as freezing, salting, and air sealing food have some set backs when it comes to the taste of the food. People stored grains and vegetables in these jars in a cool area. Who knew something this simple could be so useful? Eventually in 1809, a Frenchman names François developed a way to keep cooked food preserved.
Enough with the history of this item, what about how cute it looks?!?
1. More Storage
Just like what I did, using a pickle holder for a cotton holder is genius ;) This clever trick can be used for pencils, bathroom items, crafts, and so much more. When you use a mason jar for something other than pickles, it somehow feels more organic. It's a really weird feeling but whenever I use a mason jar it makes me feel homey and country like. It is very strange but it makes me feel happy :D
2. Growing Life
Nothing feels more natural than growing vibrant colors of earth in a jar. Like I said before, this trick would instantly make your mood a little brighter. It is actually proven that colors in your environment can change the way you feel. My room is purple, which is a color that releases stress (supposedly.) You don't just have to grow herbs and grass, you can plant some flowers in it too. Soil is optional. When someone special gives you some flowers, why not use the jar as a vase?
3. Glitter it Up
This simple DIY project is so easy and fun to create. How adorable can it get? Simply crazy glue your little figurine onto the lid of the jar. Next, put water and sparkles into the glass. Once the figurine is tightly inserted, put some glue on the top of the jar where the lid goes and tightly seal the two together.
4. Floating Fires
Lastly, we have here a small candle floating in water. This unique find would be great for summer picnics. I've never tried this idea but the candle should have some metal holder below it. This picture doesn't show a metal cup like holder underneath the candle. I don't think the candle will last for very long because it will lose it's shape. However, this beautiful piece of outdoor furniture can light up the dark crisp air of the summer.
There you have it! Four creative ideas you can try using a pickle jar/ mason jar. I hope you try some of these out one day. Mason jars just make me feel inspired and
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentines Day
I can't type as fast as before. That stinks. But at least I don't have to copy notes, do homework, and take tests anytime soon!! Today at school so many people got roses from other people. ..................... oops. My hand relaxed on the keyboard for a second or 21 periods. Did you get a Valentines gift from somebody special? Well I did! Love you too Ma!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Oh Pooey
Obviously I can't do as much as I would like to. My arm doesn't hurt as badly as it did yesterday. Thanks for helping me out and supporting me through it all! Now I just have to learn to become ambidextrous!
Monday, February 11, 2013
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