Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cleaning My Room

           Finally, I made a post you viewers would love! My famous videos! My room needed a bit of a clean. Well, it's Chubster's room too but try to get that girl to clean. That would be a miracle. Yes, I am playing the guitar there but I don't think it sounds too great. There are too many Bm changes and it was driving me insane. A for "affort" right? Also, my camera cut me off! I was supposed to be folding the laundry until it was fully done. When I edited the video it froze at me picking up some white pants. :(.
           Vote on my poll! It will actually make my life easier. The sooner I check and see a popular vote the sooner I could start making a video. VOTE.

P.s If you are wondering what that bumble bee is I don't blame you. You put a SAT word card in the mouth and the bee flips the card inside so you see the definition.


elisabeth said...

how long did it take you? at one point i thought you missed a spot on your desk, but that was just my dirty computer screen haha!

Unknown said...

In the beginning of the video it was the afternoon and towards the end it was evening. That's only because I took a lunch break :)It probably took me around an hour and a half. A lot of people asked me that same question :D