Okay, let me tell you something about my dad. He is basically a guy version of me... or vise versa. We think alike, we talk alike, we even sneeze at the same time. But something you got to know is that my dad is always there for me and supports me in every way.
A typical teenage girl would usually grow apart from her dad or have a relationship with him but have "friends" she is concerned of more. Not in this case. I would always stay close like glue to my dad. It's so hard to explain but he just gets me! My dad likes the same things as me (except you know the girly stuff) but we both are the ones in the family like "alright! lets go!" He jogs with me, bikes with me, and does other outdoor things with me that my siblings wouldn't want to do. I guess God made me to balance my dad out. If He was the only one like that in my family, he would drive them insane! hee hee.

My dad isn't the best at math, but he helps me in a lot of other things. Like when I am feeling down or sad. He also knows the right thing to say all the time. Whether I need to know what to say to a friend when in a fight, or how to act of think towards others. He is also my families personal "bus driver"! He wouldn't appreciate me saying this but he drives us anywhere, whenever. He drives pretty fast so its all good. A lot of times my dad would say stuff like "I said what dah!" or "my RABBIT!" and I repeat "my rabbit!"Things like that are the ones I will remember forever! Or like "It's not the cruise anymore" or silly things like that. From when I was a child he would always tell my sibling and I "You are my son/daughter, whom I love, and in you, I am well pleased" Which is a verse from the bible in which God told his Son. It was really encouraging to hear that all the time from childhood :) Sometimes I get mad at my dad, but when we have conflict like that, he always talks things out with me. Or if he said or did something that he knew was not right, he would apologize afterwords.
I am so thankful that God gave me a dad like him. He would always tell me that the Father's love is so much greater than his, and it blown my mind to think how much Jesus loved me. I really look up to my dad and would love to be someone like him when I am older.
I love you dad <3
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww THIS IS SO SWEET. I'm glad you have such a great relationship with your dad. Like you said, it seems so rare to find teens close to their parents! This is a blessing!
That's a wonderful tribute to your dad!
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