Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Panda Nails

The one and only Guam
           Isn't this the cutest?? It's also very easy to do. P.S these are my sister's nails so it may be trickier to do it on your own. Sigh... it was supposed to be a panda but I don't have black nail polish so it looks like a mouse. Well, I think it looks like a mouse. Or a regular bear, not a panda bear. My sister once drew a mouse that looked really cute. Its a semi circle with ears, eyes, and tail. She named it Guam. Dont ask why. So you can make a Guam as well if you like. Its pretty self explanatory to make a Guam.


1. Add a base coat for the back round of your panda/Guam/ regular bear. I would use a subtle light color. I used light pink
2. Create a white semi circle that ends halfway through your nail.
3. Then with your color of any desire, make a drop of nail polish for the ears
4. Using a bobby pin, dip it in black or the color that you want to make the eyes. If you have a thin brush that is black, that would probably be better to use.
5. Oh! And always put a top clear coat to give it a shiny finished look

So sense this is my first "instructional nail design", comment on whether I should even put instructions on. The other option would be just posting up pictures with some tips for inspiration. So don't forget to comment!!!!!

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