Saturday, August 18, 2012

Newspaper Nails

               Introducing newspaper nails. They are sooo cute and easy! These are my friend's nails but I did them on mine and they are just as simple. It takes a little while to fully master but, it is definitely possible so here are the instructions.
  • Light colored base coat
  • Clear top coat
  • Newspaper
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Small cup 
Firstly.... Apply the bottom base coat and wait until fully dry
2.  Dip a small piece of newspaper in the cup filled with rubbing alcohol
3. Put the newspaper on your nail but not too hard. Like a tattoo! The kid kind.
4. Leave it on while applying some more alcohol on top with a cotton ball. Keep it there for around 20 seconds. Also, make sure that the whole nail is equally bold. So, tap the newspaper on your nail.
5. Carefully peel it off and there you have it. Newspaper on your nail
6. A top coat is always necessary to give it a finished shine ;D


dang34 said...

I feel like you and Libby should have a nail painting party! She loves cool nail polish.

Unknown said...

Danggg thats niceee