Here is a helpful video for you girls (and some guys) out there. In this video you will learn how to curl your hair. There are a lot of different types of curls such as crimps, waves, and afros! Hopefully you can find out which one suits you the most and put it to action. Excuse Chubster's attempt to look sporty with her soccer jersey. Truth is, it was only $5 at Thailand and a really good knock off. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this long video (the longest video I ever published). Have a laugh, get some knowledge, and have a nice day!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
LOL Once in a While
This video was made a while back before I knew iMovie secrets. Now that I know them, I can guarantee you will laugh out loud. Peace.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Nail Polish Review
Thanks for supporting me and finally reaching 3000 pageviews!
Essie nail polish is one of my favorites! A lot of times nail polishes become gooey and streaky as they get older. This nail polish's thickness is thin but perfectly opaque even after a long period of time. Essie also has a wide variety of beautiful colors and dries pretty quickly. Furthermore, Essie has a lot of nourishing nail polishes and matte top coats. However, Essie comes with a cost. Unlike most nail polishes, new colors from Essie can be around $7- $8. If you are up to paying that price for a bottle might as well. But if you can't, there are more options out there.
Sally Hansen can be your next choice. This runner up is known for its different types of nail polishes. For example, Sally Hansen sells Insta Dry, Salon Effect, HD, Nail Art Pens and a lot more. This nail polish comes with nice colors with mediocre quality. Sally Hansen generally goes on sale at drug stores for around $5- $8 a bottle. This affordable choice is good for first timers but if you want more of a luxury look at a different section.
Essie nail polish is one of my favorites! A lot of times nail polishes become gooey and streaky as they get older. This nail polish's thickness is thin but perfectly opaque even after a long period of time. Essie also has a wide variety of beautiful colors and dries pretty quickly. Furthermore, Essie has a lot of nourishing nail polishes and matte top coats. However, Essie comes with a cost. Unlike most nail polishes, new colors from Essie can be around $7- $8. If you are up to paying that price for a bottle might as well. But if you can't, there are more options out there.
Sally Hansen can be your next choice. This runner up is known for its different types of nail polishes. For example, Sally Hansen sells Insta Dry, Salon Effect, HD, Nail Art Pens and a lot more. This nail polish comes with nice colors with mediocre quality. Sally Hansen generally goes on sale at drug stores for around $5- $8 a bottle. This affordable choice is good for first timers but if you want more of a luxury look at a different section.
OPI would be for ones who like their nails more professional. I
was immediately impressed with the wide selection of colors and quick dry time. The quality of this product is around the same if not a little
less than Essie but comes with more in its bottle. Charging at $6- $9
this nail polish is an eye popping color pick. OPI is known for it's theme locations and flamboyant advertisements. It also has Matte Nail Polish, Crackle, and famous celebrity sponsors. This nail product is flashy, bold, and red carpet ready.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
30 Day Video Challenge (coming soon)
I've decided to make a video challenge for myself. Everyday I am going to answer the questions below and make it into one whole video. Of course every question would be brief due to video length and homework :P. But I will try to stay consistent to this challenge every day. I'm not sure when I'm going to start it though. I'm looking forward to this and I hope you are too!
Tuffs and Sniffles,
Crazy Rabbit
Day 1: Introduce yourself!
Day 2: What is in your purse/ wallet?
Day 3: say five things that begin with the first letter of your name.
Day 4: tour of your bedroom
Day 5: what did you do today?
Day 6: list of the five favorite things you own.
Day 7: what do you like to do during your spare time?
Day 8: go to your refrigerator and pick out 5 things you don’t like.
Day 9: what you are wearing today.
Day 10: your cellphone.
Day 11: give ten random facts about yourself.
Day 12: talk about your favourite tv show.
Day 13: your favourite songs.
Day 14: favourite drink, food, number, colour.
Day 15: make a short informative film about something.
Day 16: talk about your favorite movie.
Day 17: show off a talent.
Day 18: talk about your best friend
Day 19: tell us about your favourite band/artist.
Day 20: views on love and relationships.
Day 21: make a brief music video.
Day 22: show us your wardrobe.
Day 23: video a journey.
Day 24: show us all of your chores
Day 25: give your opinion on world peace
Day 26: tell us three things you like about Chubster and three thing you don’t.
Day 27: drink a glass of water and spit it out
Day 28: give us a tour of your blog
Day 29: introduce us to your pets.
Day 30: do a celebratory dance for finishing the challenge.
Tuffs and Sniffles,
Crazy Rabbit
Day 1: Introduce yourself!
Day 4: tour of your bedroom
Day 5: what did you do today?
Day 6: list of the five favorite things you own.
Day 7: what do you like to do during your spare time?
Day 8: go to your refrigerator and pick out 5 things you don’t like.
Day 9: what you are wearing today.
Day 10: your cellphone.
Day 11: give ten random facts about yourself.
Day 12: talk about your favourite tv show.
Day 13: your favourite songs.
Day 14: favourite drink, food, number, colour.
Day 15: make a short informative film about something.
Day 16: talk about your favorite movie.
Day 17: show off a talent.
Day 18: talk about your best friend
Day 19: tell us about your favourite band/artist.
Day 20: views on love and relationships.
Day 21: make a brief music video.
Day 22: show us your wardrobe.
Day 23: video a journey.
Day 24: show us all of your chores
Day 25: give your opinion on world peace
Day 26: tell us three things you like about Chubster and three thing you don’t.
Day 27: drink a glass of water and spit it out
Day 28: give us a tour of your blog
Day 29: introduce us to your pets.
Day 30: do a celebratory dance for finishing the challenge.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Meet Maggie and Maria (This one's for you!)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
What We ate Today
Monday, December 10, 2012
How to Braid
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dear Kitty,
Dear Nermal,
You were the second Cambodian kitty I loved (next to Cobs.) I miss you so much. Although we only met for an hour or two, it feels like we've known each other for forever. I really miss pulling you away from your kitty friends so you and I could hang out. I loved when Jonathan, Chubster, and I took you and your siblings for a walk to look at some ducks. I love your green eyes and tender heart <3 You are probably a big kitty now... learning how to survive or having feelings for other cats.Wherever you are stay close to the ones you love especially that adorable little girl that takes care of you. Don't venture out too far. It is dangerous at night. Always walk with a buddy like Mom, Cobs, Rusty, or Contrast. I really miss you but it is highly unlikely I will see you again. We live in a big world Nermal, and things aren't always la-la loopsy here. But as long as you are safe with your family I am happy. Write back soon or at least purr your loudest. You were always a squealer. Sorry if I held you too tight in Cambodia. Or put you momentarily on a tree filled with red ants. I know you would've forgiven me. Stay close to Mama and the little girl too.
From the left: Rusty, Cobs, Nermal, and poor Contrast |
Nermal |
Crazy Rabbit
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Freaky Friday
Did you ever have that feeling of panic before? I'm sure you have but this type of panic is different. This type of panic is when you are scared for your life. Well, not really your life but your mind makes you feel that way. Still don't get it? For example, when there is a big hurricane everybody is talking about and you have to evacuate your location. Or when you are going to a foreign country and something goes wrong. It's times like these where you just say a quick prayer that goes something like "God please keep me safe! There is so much I want to do in life! I thought you had more plans for me!"
This Friday I heard many people talking about a fight coming from another school to our school. I freaked out. There were a lot of school safety patrol people everywhere and people were talking like "Bye! I'll see you Monday... hopefully...."
Before I proceed I must tell you that my mind prepares me for the definite worst. Even though it wasn't that bad, I was scared as heck that day.
Seriously everything just got me so scared I didn't even want to leave my classroom to go and "release the elements" even though I had to so badly. In biology, I couldn't even focus on the most easiest lesson in the world (food chains!) While I was going to biology however, my friend told me that she knew someone who said some of the kids were actually in the school already! Every time the door opened in my classroom I would check to see who it is. I was that scared okay?! I heard people talking about coming out of the school building and seeing people waiting to beat you up. I already planned the way I would run to my dad's car. I was even disappointed in how I wasn't wearing my running shoes.
Fast forward and I'm at home typing this post while just finishing a chicken noodle soup. I got to say, I really scared myself! But seriously some seniors were scared. I just hope something like this doesn't happen again or else I will make myself faint. Hopefully, next time this happens I would stay calm (yeah right.) At the end, I heard nothing really ever happened. Those are the type of moments that I overreact to. I pray that I don't under react to an actual serious situation (yikes!) I am just happy that everyone is safe and that it is Friday :)
This Friday I heard many people talking about a fight coming from another school to our school. I freaked out. There were a lot of school safety patrol people everywhere and people were talking like "Bye! I'll see you Monday... hopefully...."
Before I proceed I must tell you that my mind prepares me for the definite worst. Even though it wasn't that bad, I was scared as heck that day.
Seriously everything just got me so scared I didn't even want to leave my classroom to go and "release the elements" even though I had to so badly. In biology, I couldn't even focus on the most easiest lesson in the world (food chains!) While I was going to biology however, my friend told me that she knew someone who said some of the kids were actually in the school already! Every time the door opened in my classroom I would check to see who it is. I was that scared okay?! I heard people talking about coming out of the school building and seeing people waiting to beat you up. I already planned the way I would run to my dad's car. I was even disappointed in how I wasn't wearing my running shoes.
Fast forward and I'm at home typing this post while just finishing a chicken noodle soup. I got to say, I really scared myself! But seriously some seniors were scared. I just hope something like this doesn't happen again or else I will make myself faint. Hopefully, next time this happens I would stay calm (yeah right.) At the end, I heard nothing really ever happened. Those are the type of moments that I overreact to. I pray that I don't under react to an actual serious situation (yikes!) I am just happy that everyone is safe and that it is Friday :)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Floral Nails
My voice is very nasal and I may change pitches once in a while. IT'S NATURAL WHEN YOU'RE SICK :D I actually filmed this a while back but edited it during the Thanksgiving break. Also, you may have noticed, I didn't do my right hand. I have an excuse. It was close to dinner time and my dad hates the smell :) If you didn't get the musical ensamble thing, I like making music (with the pre played ones) on garage band and adding them in my videos. I would describe it has classical contemporary but I'll leave it up to you upon how you would describe it. Anyways, I ended test prep like I said before. I'm also starting to get situated in my school. The science teacher I used to have was a pain in my beep so my parents and I had to go through a lot with her. Detail, details, details. Eventually, I switched classes in which the students aren't all the brightest (compared to my other class for smarties.) "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 5:44. So even though she is a pain, I pray she will seek God one day :)
The new teacher actually cares for the students and wants to help them do better. I'm happy God provided me with parents that will stick up for me even though I may have done wrong. I can't handle drama from people like her on my own. My motto currently is "everything is part of His plan." Every class I am in, every person I meet, and even every conflict I come across. Talk about rambling! Sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed the video though! Love ya!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Hang in There!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting since November 9 (I've been told) but I promise you I'll make it up to you guys. I just finished a long test prep session and battle with my biology teacher (I'll tell you about that later). That pretty much sucked the whole fun out of my October. But after the flood, out came a rainbow. Right? You should be expecting some awesome new videos and touching posts during Thanksgiving break. Thanks for the support my peeps!
Friday, November 9, 2012
My Brother
Ant reading this very post |
Here's a picture (to the right) of Ant trying to help me with math problems. By the look of his face you can conclude yourself that he later threw the ipod away from me D: |
Friday, November 2, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
How Halloween Has "Treated" Me
Here is a picture of my pre-k class. The school is the church that my church and I go to after ice skating (familiar much?) I am all the way to the right and the only one being "me" for Halloween. At least that's what I told people. All the girls were princesses and the boys were either a cop, tiger, and power ranger... I think? This is a great picture to sum up how my first school Halloween went. I looked so sad and misplaced.
Now this is how Halloween should be! This was one year after that miserable Halloween (kindergarten). I was a princess as you all can tell with my little crown. And woah! Who's that?! It's my brother in a inflated dragon contraption. I think in my school we had to walk around the neighborhood to support a cancer charity. We did it in our costumes :) I honestly don't remember too much of that day. What I do remember is a year or two after that Halloween, I was a hula girl. I just wore a grass skirt with flowers around my wrist and neck.. I didn't JUST where them though... awkward... I specifically remember that day when I went to the bathroom and this "hot shot" fifth grader was like "what are you?" Back then, I thought fifth graders were awesome. Thinking back now, they're so ... not. They have iPhones, where make-up, and own The North Face book bags. Well, that's it for my flashbacks!
Now this is how Halloween should be! This was one year after that miserable Halloween (kindergarten). I was a princess as you all can tell with my little crown. And woah! Who's that?! It's my brother in a inflated dragon contraption. I think in my school we had to walk around the neighborhood to support a cancer charity. We did it in our costumes :) I honestly don't remember too much of that day. What I do remember is a year or two after that Halloween, I was a hula girl. I just wore a grass skirt with flowers around my wrist and neck.. I didn't JUST where them though... awkward... I specifically remember that day when I went to the bathroom and this "hot shot" fifth grader was like "what are you?" Back then, I thought fifth graders were awesome. Thinking back now, they're so ... not. They have iPhones, where make-up, and own The North Face book bags. Well, that's it for my flashbacks!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Track Diet
Here is a picture of a typical breakfast I usually eat the day of practice. You got some carbs from the whole wheat rice bread, protein in the eggs, and dairy in the milk. To stop the stitches in the stomach when I run, I like to eat bananas. They are full of good vitamins like potassium. Actually I think coconut juice has more :P ButI don't like coconuts :( Then I have my generous portion of sweets in my nutella. I then usually drink a carton of muscle milk (contains no milk D:) This meal would bring good performance and energy to a race!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What the?
Hey guys! I never posted a blog post with only writing in it so here it is. School has been going out pretty well for me. I experienced new things. Like witnessing my first fight at lunch, getting back my first test (ps: proud 96 :D), and meeting Christians like me. I knew my school had a club called "Seekers" (which I should be joining soon now that I have my card), but I never knew Christians could be the people I am talking to everyday! My closest new friend I have around 5 classes with is someone I would have never expected. Jaime is Indian so usually they would believe things closer to their culture. I would have never guessed until I brought up the topic about the club. That was a shocker because I've never met someone like her before. So I guess now we have more to talk about :D She is planning to go to the club with me (yay.) There also is this other friend named Zachary. I met him at lunch and was thinking on the back of my head how come this boy doesn't curse?! You see, in a public school like mine, where there are different type of people all around you, I would expect some swears here and there. But no. So I knew something was a little different about him. I really knew this when he came to school with a deerfoot lodge shirt (Christian boy camp). Since my brother went there, I was very much familiar in what it was. I only saw "eerfoo" and "odge" becuase he was wearing a hoodie :P Jaime told me that on his facebook his profile picture would be a cross and he would but Bible quotes as his status :D But it was so different to see people like me in my school. The realization would probably hit me more when I am actually in the club :) In high school, you really have to choose your friend wisely. I'm not saying you must be narrow minded and look for standards for these people. But simple know that you should hang out with people you think are nice and kind. You can still be friendly to everyone, but the ones who you tend to see more often in school are the ones you should become close with. Just hang out with the right crowd because your friends can influence you greatly ;)
Hey guys this is a couple weeks later... school is not going so well. I am now an average student with average grades :( (ps: pitiful 76 on bio) I'm not joining the club because of biology. I don't have the time for everything. Also, my parents made me quit track for a little while but later on agreed to it again after the championships. So track is still awesome and I just had my first race... waiting for the results :D But yeah, a lot of things have changed ever since I wrote that old post :( I might not be able to do "DIY weekly" or post much. I have to focus on boring stuff and get it out of the way until I know where I'm going for the future. So, hopefully things won't be so full of :( faces later on. Later!
Hey guys this is a couple weeks later... school is not going so well. I am now an average student with average grades :( (ps: pitiful 76 on bio) I'm not joining the club because of biology. I don't have the time for everything. Also, my parents made me quit track for a little while but later on agreed to it again after the championships. So track is still awesome and I just had my first race... waiting for the results :D But yeah, a lot of things have changed ever since I wrote that old post :( I might not be able to do "DIY weekly" or post much. I have to focus on boring stuff and get it out of the way until I know where I'm going for the future. So, hopefully things won't be so full of :( faces later on. Later!
Monday, October 15, 2012
P.s 2066 pageviews!
Thank you everyone for 2066 page views! Thanks for supporting me all the way!!! You rock! And continue to look out for updates because there are many more to come!!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Inspiration for the Day
I made this myself by using a unwanted old necklace and friendship bracelet string to create this lovely bracelet. Note: I used special pliers to get the chains where I wanted them to be :)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Twisted Side Hair Tutorial
P.p.s I video taped everything and then asked Chubster to voice the tutorial right beforeI left for dance <3
P.p.p.s Thank you Chubster!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
DIY Weekly: Customized Coasters
This creation of mine was from a little while back around last summer. It is simply turning a boring glass coaster to a creative customized one! Unfortunately last summer I didn't think of starting a blog so there aren't any step by step photos :( But there is no need for that! What I did was trace the outline of the coaster on the front of the picture with a ballpoint pen. This way, you could see how the picture or design is going to fit. Then cut it out.
On the bottom of the coaster, there should be these little rubber semi circles to give the coaster a nice grip on the surface. Roughly pluck them off (not too rough, or else they'll be flying across the room :O) Save them on the side, you're going to need them. Next, use a purple Elmer's glue stick and glue the picture. The glue will look purple at first but turn invisible as it dries. Now, put a generous glob of glue and put it on each of the little semi circles. Then place the semi circles in a triangle shape (as seen to the left). Let it dry facing up for at least 2 hours or until it is fully dried.
Finally you are done! This quick and easy DIY is great for gifts to give to friends, home decor, and more. You can either use an actual picture that is printed out, or a design. The one I have to the right is actually a card my art teacher gave me. It had a pretty cover so I used it for this coaster. This idea was created originally by me :) It's fun, easy, and convenient! Although I'm not too sure if people even still use coasters these days :-/
Monday, October 1, 2012
Floral Nails and Angular Nails
The floral nail design is so simple, I decided not to make a tutorial on it. This is a close up picture but from far way, it probably looks more like flowers. I simply took a nice dark blue and applied blotches of light peach onto my nails. Then, using a 1 toothpick I roughly outlined the blotches with a darker shade of pink. What helps me is if I draw a single dot in the middle of the blotch and work around from there. Don't get too carried away with the outlining or else it won't look nice.
This my friends is the best tape design I have ever done! I applied a metallic brown as a bottom coat and then waited for it to dry. Metallic nail polish usually dries really fast. After it dried, I cut skinny pieces of Scotch tape and put 3 on each nail in assorted angles. Chubster told me not to criss cross them, but personally I think it looks better that way ;D The only thing is, that you have to memorize which tape was put on last so you don't pull a piece of tape that is under another piece of tape. Usually the one strip of tape that is crossing over the 2 others is the one you pull off first. I then applied the Essie pink nail polish (which is a nice and bold color) on top of all the tapes. Then take the tape off slowly while pulling the strip away from the nail and lifting the strip up. When you do this motion, it makes the finished results of the lines look more refined. I would suggest you do one nail at a time. That means to apply the tape on each nail, paint one finger and then take the tape off. Repeat the process on each nail one finger at a time. Before something messes the artwork up, apply a clear coat and let it dry fully!
DIY Weekly: Back to School Tip
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stock photo (heehee) |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Yay! Finally! The Perfect Bun
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Coolest Bestie Ever

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Saturday, September 22, 2012
Subways? Clean? Definitely Possible!
Hi! So, recently I have been on a ny subway. Now, all of us pretty much know how unpleasant these underground trains can be. Under the ground you feel claustrophobic, warm, and smelly. Also, you come across some rats here and there (I just saw my first subway rat! It felt strangely normal to see one...) Anyways, the subways also don't feel safe. Strange New Yorkers all around you. shivers. There was a woman behind my sister just shoving her in the train and saying "move in, move in!!! Don't just stand there!!!" Excuse me lady :) ..... DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER LIKE THAT! huff... In conclusion, NY subways are pooey :) Of course though, it is economical, fast, and convenient :D
But out there, in a place far, far away is Taiwan! They have the most cleanest, good smelling, safest subways EVAH! When it is crowded on the train, it is never disturbing to have strangers next to you (unless there koo koo) People there are generally nice, small and don't produce a lot of B.O. The air conditioner is blasting there and the seats never felt cleaner (felt... probably not clean). When you enter the subway, you see what? Oh look! It is Sushi Take-Out!!! Each little different type of sushi is individually wrapped for 50 cents each (not saying its a steal but its really yummy) Let me get back on "the train tracks" heh... get it?? Back on track... see what I did there? Okay. Also, if you don't have a transportation card, you can pay some cash and this little plastic token comes out for scanning. I seriously wouldn't mind having a picnic on the floor in there. Okay maybe I would, but I certainly wouldn't mind commuting the whole day there. You literally can not find one piece of black, circle, filthy gum on the floor. And really, can you do this in a NY subway? Therefore, subways are not all that bad :P
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p.s your allowed to sit on those things! |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

*props to the grammar corrections ;)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Ballet of the Past
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I Conquered... the bus
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I just thought this was pretty so it would grab your attention to read this post |
Oh yeah! Track! It is really fun and starting to get easier. I am having my first competition on the 20th. Today, we ran up a hill 20 times... I'm talking about going up the hill and down the hill and counting that as one. Then after that we ran another mile. It is really hard work and my legs felt like breaking in half. The girls on my team are really supportive! I will be panting my way up the hill and they would be like "Come on! Your almost there!" My coach is also really nice, but sometimes she gets annoyed how some people dont make it to the practices so she makes us run more :P So I am finally settling down in this first full week of high school. Sometimes you'll see a few gangsters here and there with a cloud of smoke lingering above them. Or girls wearing "under clothing" on the "outside" with piercings in weird places. But that just gives my the feeling of who I am and who I don't want to be. Anyways.... it's is so strange having sophomores and juniors in your class. They will be like "are you really smart??" and I think in my mind "it's not me... it's you..." but in reality I just smile and nod! But there is this really annoying sophomore boy in my geometry class that always clicks is pen and taps it on the desk and sings to the bell playing. He also burps! Did I mention that?!? But surprisingly he isn't dumb.
So thats how it is in high school. I hope you enjoy it or enjoyed it. But thats my current status on the weekdays :D
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Honey Lemon Recipe
Sunday, September 9, 2012
My Dad
Okay, let me tell you something about my dad. He is basically a guy version of me... or vise versa. We think alike, we talk alike, we even sneeze at the same time. But something you got to know is that my dad is always there for me and supports me in every way.
A typical teenage girl would usually grow apart from her dad or have a relationship with him but have "friends" she is concerned of more. Not in this case. I would always stay close like glue to my dad. It's so hard to explain but he just gets me! My dad likes the same things as me (except you know the girly stuff) but we both are the ones in the family like "alright! lets go!" He jogs with me, bikes with me, and does other outdoor things with me that my siblings wouldn't want to do. I guess God made me to balance my dad out. If He was the only one like that in my family, he would drive them insane! hee hee.
My dad isn't the best at math, but he helps me in a lot of other things. Like when I am feeling down or sad. He also knows the right thing to say all the time. Whether I need to know what to say to a friend when in a fight, or how to act of think towards others. He is also my families personal "bus driver"! He wouldn't appreciate me saying this but he drives us anywhere, whenever. He drives pretty fast so its all good. A lot of times my dad would say stuff like "I said what dah!" or "my RABBIT!" and I repeat "my rabbit!"Things like that are the ones I will remember forever! Or like "It's not the cruise anymore" or silly things like that. From when I was a child he would always tell my sibling and I "You are my son/daughter, whom I love, and in you, I am well pleased" Which is a verse from the bible in which God told his Son. It was really encouraging to hear that all the time from childhood :) Sometimes I get mad at my dad, but when we have conflict like that, he always talks things out with me. Or if he said or did something that he knew was not right, he would apologize afterwords.
I am so thankful that God gave me a dad like him. He would always tell me that the Father's love is so much greater than his, and it blown my mind to think how much Jesus loved me. I really look up to my dad and would love to be someone like him when I am older.
A typical teenage girl would usually grow apart from her dad or have a relationship with him but have "friends" she is concerned of more. Not in this case. I would always stay close like glue to my dad. It's so hard to explain but he just gets me! My dad likes the same things as me (except you know the girly stuff) but we both are the ones in the family like "alright! lets go!" He jogs with me, bikes with me, and does other outdoor things with me that my siblings wouldn't want to do. I guess God made me to balance my dad out. If He was the only one like that in my family, he would drive them insane! hee hee.

I am so thankful that God gave me a dad like him. He would always tell me that the Father's love is so much greater than his, and it blown my mind to think how much Jesus loved me. I really look up to my dad and would love to be someone like him when I am older.
I love you dad <3
Fall Down
This is one of my greatest accomplishments on the app Fall Down. Kray Kray and I were having some major competition and I am proud to say that this is how it ended :D Cuz first introduced me to this game ( THIS GAME IS GENIUS
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Gymnastics at Cuz's House
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Asia Trip Summary
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Newspaper Nails (the tutorial)
Monday, September 3, 2012
Back to School: Pencil Updo
Friday, August 31, 2012
DIY tank top
2. Measure 1.5 inches and then make a small dot around 1 cm. away from the hem. This will be to mark down what you cut. |
3. Make a 1 cm line to show how wide you are going to cut. Be sure to use pencil for this or else the mark will show. Also the measurement depends on the width of your ribbon. |
4. Now cut the small lines with your scissors |
5. Iron your ribbon, ONLY IF IT NEEDS IT. You see, my ribbon is more of a cotton fabric. If you have a satin ribbon DON't iron it or else it will melt into a hard piece of plastic... |
6. Weave in your ribbon and leave 16.5 inches off |
7. Do the same to the other side |
8. Start tying a bow the rabbit ear style ;D but make sure not to tie it so tight that the holes stretch out |
9. It should look like this with the bow hanging down |
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