Recently, Chubs and I have been getting into so many fights. On average, we'll get into 3-4 a week. Sigh... It would always frustrate me when Chubs and I get over a fight and becomes friends again. The only reason for this would be because once I've forgive her, my thinking is that she would try not to do whatever she did again. But of course, she does that certain thing again and that gets me angry. By the way, I'm not trying to bash her on my blog. I learned something very important at the end. I've done some pretty mean stuff to her too. Anyways, each argument we have takes a toll on my mind emotionally. I get sick of the cycle of feeling hurt, forgiving, and feeling crushed when it happens again. It drives me insane!!
One day Chubs and I got into a fight about something I can't even remember today. After that, it was time to take a shower. As I was showering in anger, I kept asking myself "why should I forgive her, if I know she is going to do it all over again." Like I said before, the cycle is exhausting. I kept thinking and thinking of a reason why I should forgive her. Have you ever gotten the feeling of when you learn something in school, church, or from your friend that just sticks to you? It might be a saying someone said, a theme, or a statement that you chose not to forget. For me, my "theme" was to be like Jesus. Jesus was human just like us. Our everyday temptations that we just can't seem to say no to, Jesus did. In my mind, the idea of being like Jesus would always be in my head. So I asked myself a typical question. What would Jesus do?
I tried thinking of a time that Jesus forgave. That was easy. When Jesus died on the cross, he took the death for our sins. He knew that we were sinners and he forgave us. I kept thinking about what was going on in Jesus' mind and then it hit me. As Jesus was dying on the cross, He didn't think 'everyone that just sinned, you are forgiven.' He thought 'everyone that has sinned, will sin, and is sinning is forgiven.' Basically, Jesus forgave us while having known that we were only going to sin again. In order to become more like Jesus, I had to forgive Chubs even though I knew she was going to do the same hurtful thing again. Having someone betray you, slander you, or hurt you over and over again is a painful thing. All this was on Jesus' shoulders the night he was crucified. Forgiveness isn't easy. If it was, any one can die on a cross.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Harvey Cedars
Harvey Cedars is a retreat site that has a family week during the summer every year. My family and I have been going there for at least eight years! Every year, we got to meet new friends from different places. God has blessed my family each year by having us go on this retreat to reconcile ourselves with Him :)
Around five years ago, Chubs and I met this little spunky blonde girl for the very first time. She was never afraid to do anything and was always filled with energy each day. The last time we saw her was two years ago but our week was cut short due to a storm. The year after that, my family went to Asia. AND a year after that, we reunited with the most outgoing and fun person ever! Haha look at Chubs floating in the background.
Ant introduced us to this restaurant on the island. The place was a bit over rated and the wings were huge!! (mostly breading). Besides that, the food was delish! We had a great meal with some friends from church.
A lot of people were flying kites which made Chubs have the sudden urge to fly one too. Of course, she chose a ducky kite (a.k.a Ducky.) We flew Ducky on the beach and he soared... for 15 minutes. Then, Ducky took a nose dive and did not cooperate ever since then. Note Ducky's fancy tail!
Here we are all set up and ready to go kayaking in the bay. Mom and Chubs shared a kayak while Dad and I got our own! The experience was fun until Chubs got cranky :-/
The best part of our retreat was seeing Ant!! I saw him in action monitoring the salad and making sure everyone was satisfied. After the lunch, we had to leave Ant. We'll be picking him up next week to keep him home forever!!! (or until summer comes again.) Do NOT note my meaty arms. It must be the camera angle. Heehee
This was the last night with our Harvey Cedar friends :( Who new the game of mafia would bring us all together? I hope I get to see all of them next summer :)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Summer Please Don't End
Nothing in life lasts forever (not counting eternal life with God.) It seems like just yesterday I was stocked about the end of school. I guess it's time to head back to the books :( Here's what happened during my summer.
June: School just ended and it was time to relax. I honestly don't remember too much of June because I did nothing!! Actually I do remember. It was time to put myself to work so I volunteered at a daycare. That was one thing. Another thing would be instead of going to normal church, my family and I visited other churches. It was a new experience to see how other churches worship God. We got to see how other churches function.
July: Sadly, I had to end the daycare volunteering because Dad, Chubs, Mom and I were going on a cruise... to Canada! That was an interesting experience. After that trip, we went straight to Ocean City, NJ. I hate how my dad lined up all of our vacations one day after another. It felt really action packed, but exhausting at the same time. After all that, we got a week to rest up!
August: Right now, I'm in Long Beach Island (again) at a bible conference retreat thing. This is the time I finally get to write something on my blog! The weather has been gorgeous here so we decided to go to the beach! Chubs and I also got to reunite with a close friend from around four years ago.
The summer is pretty much gone :( I wouldn't change it one bit though! I learned so much about different places, other churches and most importantly God. I learned that God has everything under control and I can't ask him for something that won't be good for me. Well, I could but, it doesn't mean he will give that thing to me. He loves me and He knows what is right for me :)
June: School just ended and it was time to relax. I honestly don't remember too much of June because I did nothing!! Actually I do remember. It was time to put myself to work so I volunteered at a daycare. That was one thing. Another thing would be instead of going to normal church, my family and I visited other churches. It was a new experience to see how other churches worship God. We got to see how other churches function.
July: Sadly, I had to end the daycare volunteering because Dad, Chubs, Mom and I were going on a cruise... to Canada! That was an interesting experience. After that trip, we went straight to Ocean City, NJ. I hate how my dad lined up all of our vacations one day after another. It felt really action packed, but exhausting at the same time. After all that, we got a week to rest up!
August: Right now, I'm in Long Beach Island (again) at a bible conference retreat thing. This is the time I finally get to write something on my blog! The weather has been gorgeous here so we decided to go to the beach! Chubs and I also got to reunite with a close friend from around four years ago.
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On a porch |
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Praying rabbit ^ |
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Hello, It's Me Again
Speaking of updates, I have some more videos to share with you all!!! After Chubs and I bought $3 Essie and OPI nail polish, an inspiration bubble for a nail tutorial popped in my head. Your only hint is: Red. That's all!
Another video that is going to be made is one of your favorites. A ..... music video! On Chubster's birthday, Cuz is coming over for a sleepover which gives us a lot of time to produce another music video for you! Music videos are a lot of work. Video editing in general is a lot of work but, the process is extremely challenging and fun! I hope I gave you enough of an update. Like I said before, this is my week of rest... which still means work (fun work)... but at least traveling has paused for a week. See ya very soon!!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Summer of 2013 Update!
This was the first line we had to wait in. Then, there was another long one inside. After that there was yet another long line waiting for us. Just look at my dad and you can see how all those lines made him feel.
Our beautiful room with a wonderful balcony! As you can see, I really loved that room :)
Our first breakfast in the Carnival cruise! Oh my. Pau Pau (sorry, that means grandma if you didn't know) kept taking the water we have on our table and refilling her water bottles. Embarrassing!
This is day 2. I forgot what we were waiting for :-/
Fancy day! During out 5 day stay, one day was designated for formal attire. This picture is from the "family friendly" comedy show. I thought it would be cheesy but it was good. It wasn't pretty good, great, or hilarious. Just good.
Formal attire dinner! Our dinner seats were all the way in the back of the boat and on the 3rd floor. This is a fantastic family picture... it's not perfect though :( brother.... D':
If you are wondering what a "space rat" is, it is a creature that comes in from our balcony (if the door is unlocked) and bites us (or punches us with it's nose) during the night. Chubs has a wild imagination.
We got so antsy, that we decided to take a swim on the deck. The water in the pool was COLD! Frigid cold. Chubster's toes are the main focus in the picture for some strange reason.
We got to see these cutie towel animals on our bed every night. Somedays there would be dinosaurs, bunnies, monkeys, etc. Chubs was so obsessed with them. To our surprise, Dad actually spent money and bought Chubs a Towel Creation book. That's probably the only book she read this summer.
Hmm... missing some photos. Anyways, this is us in the Citadel fort in Halifax. This is our "space rat" pose. We yell "1-2-3 SPACE RATS" and strike this pose. Oh yeah :)
My angry dad, pretty mom, and silly Chubs. This cannon is huge!!!!!!!
Yum! Strawberry popsicle! The Citadel fort was made in a star shape so if one army guy is being attacked the army guys buddy can protect him from the side!
Peggy's Cove was so beautiful! The rocks were huge and the water was mesmerizing. That was a cute little sight seeing attraction. <3
Btw: I HATE throw up
Me and Chubs at a animal towel tutorial seminar. I told you she was obsessed.
Here's the soup that my family got addicted to... and all the other Chinese people on the boat :/
That's right! My Chubs was up there performing a magic trick! After the performance, she told me it was all her. psh!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Don't Wet Your Pants!
Sorry, no "My Week in Photos." I know based on my poll that three people like my life in photos. Yay. You don't really want to see this past week in photos. Everyday was the same. Wake up, eat, work, eat, nap, eat, sleep.
OMG. I don't use that acronym often, but this is totally worth it! I collaborated with my fellow blogger ( /cousin (and Chubs) on this awesome music video. That's why I told you to not wet your pants. This is the absolute best video I have ever edited! I am so excited to show you guys but, I didn't upload it yet. Tee hee. It is coming soon though! Very soon. Like maybe tomorrow.
Some of you might not know this, but when Cuz, Chubs, and I were younger, we made a lot of music videos with Windows Movie Maker. We haven't made a new one in 2 years. Our video editing program upgraded, our editing skills enhanced, and hello?! We're teens now! Time flies! If you want to see those embarrassing amateur videos we made when we were younger, comment on below and beg because those are mortifying!
Another last minute OMG. I am considering on getting a facebook!! Keep a look out!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
My Week in Photos
Awwww! My Chubs is getting her braces on! She would always tell me that my teeth are in cages. Now, her teeth are in cages for at least 2 years.
Oh Chubs. I always knew you were crazy... but not THIS crazy. Chubster goes through several "guy singer" phases a month. She has a shirt with Austin Mahone's face on it. NOW, I have to see this guy every morning! Clearly, I'm not a hater :)
I could never miss a week without seeing my Magster. That day, we went to the mall, we ran a bit, and ate cheesedoodles (our snack.) I'm kind of craving some right now...
Oh yeaaah :)
Yummm. Almost forgot! I bought mod podge (or how some little kids would pronounce it: mudge fudge) at Michaels!! This book is my sketchbook. I wanted to decorate it somehow because it was just black. I found this triangle idea online and decided to put it to action! This would be perfect for a "back to school" d.i.y. The pictures are from one Times magazine. I hope this inspired you!!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
My Week in Photos
This is me showing my brother his first Michelle Phan tutorials. Of course this is after I had to watch his NBA top ten videos.
Made blueberry pie and cucumber eye pads (two completely random things) with Lina. The pie came out watery, but the crust still tasted good!
Now that Libs and I are working at the same place, we can have lunch together! Unfortunately, it started to rain when we were walking back.
Chubs and I saw a new nail tutorial video of Bubzbeauty and had to try it out. Biscuit was just chilling in his crib next to us. AWWWW.
This is my dad attempting to use a curling iron on a very nervous Chubster (holding a rabbit mirror <3)
After a year, I finally caved into getting a hair cut. It's definitely shorter, but healthier!!! If you have a lot of split ends, get a trim... fast!
So sad to have y brother gone for a month and a half :( Now I have no one to watch and make funny comments on Michelle Phan tutorials with. I'm going to miss you brother! Make a lot of friends!!! P.s That's granny/pau pau right there!!!! or I like to call her, an old version of Chubster.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
My Week in Photos
This is more from last week, but this is a picture with my Chubs at a Korean noodle restaurant. PLEASE ignore my sister's shirt. You'll burn your eyes if you stare at it for too long.
I made a new "Day with my Friends" video which I probably won't post. We took Chubs for a run for her very first time! She did pretty well until she started burning up under the sun :(
Speaking of videos, "July Favorites" was just published this week! The summer is giving me a lot of time to chill near my air conditioner and edit videos. What can be better than that?
Sibling photo alert! This was just on a typical Sunday after church. I'm wearing a new dress because I got interviewed for a volunteer job! Yay for community service hours.
Made it to another road trip down to Albany. The little ramp near my knees is for ducks to walk on. Cute right?!
Oh my face... Oh my dads face! We stopped by for some Chili's in Albany. If you ever get the chance, order sweet potato fries! They were so good. Just showing my love towards my fantastic daddy!
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