Harvey Cedars is a retreat site that has a family week during the summer every year. My family and I have been going there for at least eight years! Every year, we got to meet new friends from different places. God has blessed my family each year by having us go on this retreat to reconcile ourselves with Him :)
Around five years ago, Chubs and I met this little spunky blonde girl for the very first time. She was never afraid to do anything and was always filled with energy each day. The last time we saw her was two years ago but our week was cut short due to a storm. The year after that, my family went to Asia. AND a year after that, we reunited with the most outgoing and fun person ever! Haha look at Chubs floating in the background.
Ant introduced us to this restaurant on the island. The place was a bit over rated and the wings were huge!! (mostly breading). Besides that, the food was delish! We had a great meal with some friends from church.
A lot of people were flying kites which made Chubs have the sudden urge to fly one too. Of course, she chose a ducky kite (a.k.a Ducky.) We flew Ducky on the beach and he soared... for 15 minutes. Then, Ducky took a nose dive and did not cooperate ever since then. Note Ducky's fancy tail!
Here we are all set up and ready to go kayaking in the bay. Mom and Chubs shared a kayak while Dad and I got our own! The experience was fun until Chubs got cranky :-/
The best part of our retreat was seeing Ant!! I saw him in action monitoring the salad and making sure everyone was satisfied. After the lunch, we had to leave Ant. We'll be picking him up next week to keep him home forever!!! (or until summer comes again.) Do NOT note my meaty arms. It must be the camera angle. Heehee
This was the last night with our Harvey Cedar friends :( Who new the game of mafia would bring us all together? I hope I get to see all of them next summer :)